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In-depth Discussion of the Future of Indonesian Cocoa and Sugar Cane

In-depth Discussion of the Future of Indonesian Cocoa and Sugar Cane

In-depth Discussion of the Future of Indonesian Cocoa and Sugar Cane

November 29, 2019 | Other Activities

Jakarta - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) is indeed incessant socialization of Presidential Regulation Number 39 of 2019 concerning One Data Indonesia, not least, Deputy of BPS Production Statistics, M. Habibullah. When opening the Workshop on Strategic Commodity Survey Results for Cocoa and Sugar Cane, Habib again conveyed the essence of uniting data and the challenges faced in synergizing data across sectors and ministries / institutions. "Indonesia's One Data Policy in the field of production or agriculture is expected to be realized soon, mainly because now spatial and geostatistical data are available," Habib said.

The workshop, which was held at the Jasmine II Swiss-belhotel ballroom, Jakarta, carried the concept of panel discussion with 3 speakers and 2 speakers. Acting as moderators at the discussion session were Kadarmanto, BPS for the Statistics of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Forestry.

The discussion began with a presentation entitled "Without Investment, Cane Still Taste Sweet?" By the first guest speaker, Agung P. Murdanoto, Director of Business Control of PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia. Followed by a presentation by Wahyu Wibowo, Executive Director of the Cocoa Sustainability Partnership (CSP).

The last presentation was presented by Hermanto as Director of Food Crops, Horticulture, and Plantation Statistics who invited all attendees to jointly look at the current production and consumption conditions of sugarcane and cocoa in aggregate. Hermanto explained, "There are 7 provinces and 23 regencies in the sugarcane strategic commodity survey. However, the sample covers 62.19% of the total sugar cane households and 60.61% of sugarcane planting area according to 2013 Agriculture Census data."

Director General of Plantations at the Ministry of Agriculture, Kasdi Subagyono, responded to the explanation from the speakers, "In essence my response encompasses the unification of the methodology as the focus of the One Data Indonesia effort, including relating to the thematic, and the involvement of the character of each plant to be taken into consideration in the stages of the defining concept." While Piter Jasman, Chair of the Indonesian Cocoa Industry Association, enthusiastically expressed his support for the One Data Indonesia policy, bearing in mind that Cocoa is also one of Indonesia's strategic commodities that also has great potential in boosting the Indonesian economy through export activities.
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