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Economist to BPS, Indonesian Economic Calculation Surgery

Economist to BPS, Indonesian Economic Calculation Surgery

Economist to BPS, Indonesian Economic Calculation Surgery

November 8, 2019 | Other Activities

JAKARTA - Located in building 3 floor 2 office of the BPS - Statistics Indonesia, BPS holds a meeting with economists (11/08). After releasing the figures for economic growth in the third quarter of 2019 on Tuesday (05/11), the public response was indeed diverse in responding to the statement that the Indonesian economy in the third quarter of 2019 was recorded to grow by 5.02% compared to the third quarter of the previous year. There are those who consider this number does not reflect the actual condition of the Indonesian economy.

"This morning, we will thoroughly examine the methodology that BPS uses to calculate Indonesia's economic growth," said Kecuk Suhariyanto as Head of BPS. He stated, according to recommendations from the United Nations (UN), the method used by BPS to calculate Gross Domestic Product (GDP) refers to the 2008 System of National Accounts (SNA), an international guide to record all economic activity in a country.

Furthermore, material on the Coffee Morning activity: Discussion of Indonesia's Economic Growth this morning was brought by Sri Soelistyowati, Deputy of Balance and Statistics Analysis. Lies, as she is familiarly called, revealed that maybe not all of the data used by BPS to measure economic growth were also owned by economists. Although most are still in line, this is what then causes a difference between economic growth projections made by economists and the results of BPS measurements.

At the end of the question and answer session, Kecuk emphasized again, "It must be understood that the deflator in each component is different, not all of them use CPI. Furthermore, we also have to understand which components of the state budget enter government consumption and which do not, according to the manual used. "He added.
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