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Reconciliation of Poverty Data Calculation

Reconciliation of Poverty Data Calculation

Reconciliation of Poverty Data Calculation

November 8, 2018 | BPS Activities

Bekasi - Data on poverty is one of the strategic indicators. "If the Susenas data collection process is escorted, the results will be good. Reading data is an important part, we must know the profile of poverty and be able to give an explanation of the increase or decrease in poverty rates, ”said Deputy of Social Statistics BPS, Margo Yuwono when opening the Reconciliation of 2018 Regency / City Poverty Calculation at Harris Hotel Bekasi, (29/10) .

This reconciliation was followed by the Head of the Social Statistics Division and the Head of the Section of Social Security Statistics of BPS in Indonesia. In this activity the finalization of the results of district / city poverty calculation was discussed and preparing the publication of 2018 Village Potential data. In addition, participants were also given a briefing on the calculation, concepts, definitions, and understanding of poverty to increase the capacity of section heads who were often rotated / mutated.

After the opening, a discussion was held which presented speakers from TNP2K, Sri Kusumastuti Rahayu; University of Indonesia academics, Teguh Dartanto; and Chairman of the Central Java Bappeda, Sujarwanto moderated by the Director of Social Security Statistics BPS, Harmawanti Marhaeni.

The three speakers explained that in each policy made always use BPS data. "Data is wrong, policy formulation is also wrong. BPS data greatly influences decision making, "explained Sujarwanto.
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