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Fly Higher, Rice Radar!

Fly Higher, Rice Radar!

Fly Higher, Rice Radar!

October 17, 2019 | Other Activities

In delivering the appreciation at the Vice Presidential Palace, BPS was represented by the Head of BPS, Suhariyanto, Deputy of BPS Production Statistics, M.Habibullah, along with BPS's Director of Statistics on Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Forestry, Kadarmanto. "Thank you very much for the hard work of all my friends. Send my greetings to all the teams that have worked so far," said Kecuk when welcoming the Deputy for Production team in his room while taking the time to take pictures together.

The event became very prestigious, this is because the recipients of 45 innovations present were able to set aside 330 ministries / institutions and local governments which recorded a total of 3,156 innovations this year. "Don't make innovation a compulsion, but a necessity. Hopefully it will continue to benefit the community," said Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla.

"The working climate must be better in the future. Young people must be given space and guidance to bring out their creative ideas. If working with feelings of pleasure, innovation will automatically appear," added M. Habibullah in response to the achievements of RADAR PADI this year. Furthermore, RADAR PADI will be included in the United Nations Public Service Awards (UNPSA) to compete with the champions of government innovations all over the world.

Present to produce more accurate rice harvest area data compared to the previous method, this innovation method was born from the results of slick collaboration between BPS, BPPT, ATR, BIG, and LAPAN. The president also had asked all ministries to refer to the rice data released by BPS based on this KSA method. Hopefully someday RADAR PADI will be able to compete for awards at the international level in the future.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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