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After KSA Rice, continued the Corn KSA

After KSA Rice, continued the Corn KSA

After KSA Rice, continued the Corn KSA

April 8, 2019 | BPS Activities

Surakarta - "Yellow, long, hairy, how come? Corn!" Suddenly the entire room of Arcadia laughed at the guesswork of the host. Yes, corn plants are the 'main character' discussed in this event. After conducting the Area Sample Framework (KSA) of rice to calculate the paddy field area / rice production data, it is now corn's turn which will also be calculated using the KSA methodology. The activity began with the National KSA Corn Instructor Training which was attended by all provincial BPS in Indonesia, except the BPS of DKI Jakarta Province, (3/4).

"Even though it is a holiday, we can gather together in order to serve the country. Even for NKRI, we will still take part in training," said Sentot B. Widoyono, Head of Central Java Province BPS, welcoming the participants.

The activity was opened by the Deputy of BPS Production Statistics, M. Habibullah. The event was also attended by representatives from BPPT and the Data and Information Center (Pusdatin) and the Directorate General of Food Crops of the Ministry of Agriculture as a form of collaboration and communication between ministries / institutions.

In this activity a trial will also be conducted in the field in Jatiyoso Subdistrict, Karanganyar Regency the next day. The goal is to get to know the growing phase of corn and find out how the KSA corn mechanism uses Android applications that have been made.

In this event the "KSA Rice Award" was also given to the provincial BPS that performed well. There are four categories, namely the best response rate category (BPS West Java Province), the least sample replacement category (BPS Yogyakarta Special Province), the best consistency observation category (BPS Gorontalo Province), and the overall champion achieved by BPS Banten Province.
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