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Rice Radar Entered Top 99 Innovations

Rice Radar Entered Top 99 Innovations

Rice Radar Entered Top 99 Innovations

July 3, 2019 | Other Activities

Jakarta - Back, this year, BPS products entered into the Top 99 routine innovations held by KemenPAN RB. Through a program titled Radar Padi or Achieve Accurate Rice Data, Head of BPS, Kecuk Suhariyanto, together with the ranks of the Deputy for Statistics under Production Division M. Habibullah made a presentation before an independent panel team led by JB. Kristiadi, Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance 2004-2009, (2/7). Radar Padi himself uses the Area Sample Framework method as a result of collaboration with BPPT, BIG, LAPAN, and the ATR Ministry.
One of the national priority programs is food data sovereignty, and the most important is the availability of rice data. Since 1973, BPS together with the Ministry of Agriculture collected data on rice production for the harvested area. Until 1997, BPS conducted a study which concluded that the data was overestimated for various reasons. "Beginning in January 2017, the Vice President called us to make improvements to the data. Because in the next stage we fix it with objective measurements, we ask BPPT, BIG, LAPAN, and the ATR Ministry to use satellite imagery to determine the area of ​​paddy fields, "Kecuk explained to the independent panel team.
Siti Zuhro, a LIPI senior researcher who entered the independent panel team, said that with rice being a basic need in Indonesia, the food polemic is very detrimental to the nation. "BPS must be a trusted reference. Numbers are strength. How BPS must be able to anticipate all politicization of numbers. This must be stopped, breaking up the engineering chain and creating it, this is the BPS, "he said in support of the Rice Radar program.
Nurjaman Mochtar, media representative who is the editor in chief of SCTV and Indosiar, said this was the government's political will to realize single data for all. "The task of BPS is to convince political will holders that this BPS is accurate. BPS must demand political will from the central government, so that data collection in the regions can cross institutions, "he said.
At present the calculation of land area is developed for corn commodity and has been carried out by BPS throughout Indonesia.
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