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Jabalnusra GRDP 2019: Towards the Acceleration of Economic Digitalization

Jabalnusra GRDP 2019: Towards the Acceleration of Economic Digitalization

Jabalnusra GRDP 2019: Towards the Acceleration of Economic Digitalization

September 13, 2019 | BPS Activities

Cirebon - As a strategic area at the eastern end of the pantura of West Java, Cirebon City was honored to be the venue for the Regional Consultation on Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara PDRB (Jabalnusra PDRB Conregulation) in 2019. The meeting will take place (3-5 / 9) at the Luxton hotel , Cirebon. This event was held thanks to the collaboration of West Java Province (West Java) with the West Java Province Communication and Information Office (Kominfo).

In his welcome address, the Mayor of Cirebon, Nasrudin Aziz, said that he was very pleased with the choice of the city as the host of the Conference. West Java Governor, Ridwan Kamil indeed has an extraordinary desire to equalize the economy in West Java. "With the presence of participants from Java, Bali and Nusra, of course, our hotels and culinary in the city of Cirebon, has increased" Nasrudin said cheerfully.

The meeting with the theme "Jabalnusra Regional Economic Development through Digital Economic Acceleration" was attended by BPS (Provincial BPS Heads, BPS District / City Heads, and Nerwilis Sector Head and Section) throughout Jabalnusra, Head of Provincial Bapedda, Head of Provincial Communication and Information Agency Jabalnusra, Head of West Java Province OPD, Some Heads of BI Representative Offices in West Java Province, and Head of Regional FSA II Bandung. In addition, several narsum related to the digital economy were also displayed including the Bekraf ICT Facilities Director, Acting Director of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, BPS Director of Production Balance, and digital economic actors (e-fishery, Nine Matahari, DT Kopontren, Torch.id, Smart Stalls, and Tokopedia).

Administrative Assistant (Asda) West Java Province Secretary (representing West Java Governor who was unable to attend), Dudi Sudrajat Abdurachim, said that the Jabalnusra regional region has a strategic position in sustaining national development priorities, because this area supports 61.54% of the national economy. Therefore regional growth must be able to work together to strengthen quality and sustainable national economic growth.

Whereas Deputy for NAS, Sri Soelistyowati, in her keynote speech, said that digital economic activities cover a wide range of areas, including entertainment business (film and music), health and education services, and financial and banking services. The existence of a digital economy is believed to be able to drive economic growth and increase the competitiveness of products and services, both at the micro and macro level. "Because of this, the digital economy is a 'sharing economy' which is expected to lift up many small and medium enterprises to enter world business," he said.

On that occasion also the ratification of the Jabalnusra PDRB consensus agreement in 2019 by the Deputy for NAS Sector witnessed by the Heads of Disks and Information, the Head of Bappeda, and the Head of BPS of Provinisi in Jabalnusra, and accompanied by the Regional Secretary of West Java Province, and the Mayor of Cirebon.

One agreement that was agreed upon was the updating of Jabalnusra's web data from BPS Simdasi. While one of the recommendations resulting from this activity is to encourage the role of local governments in the development of digital-based community economy, which is implemented in local policies and regulations.
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