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RADAR PADI Gapai Appreciation is High

RADAR PADI Gapai Appreciation is High

RADAR PADI Gapai Appreciation is High

July 22, 2019 | BPS Activities

Semarang - No doubt, the chaotic data of rice production has colored Indonesia for two decades. Using the eye estimate method, since 1997 rice harvest area data has been estimated to be overestimate.

Achieving Accurate Rice or RADAR PADI Data with the sample frame method (KSA) present to produce more accurate rice harvest area data than the previous method. This method is an innovation that calculates the harvest area objectively, with the latest technology, transparent, and up to date. The results of the collaboration are neat between BPS, BPPT, ATR, BIG, and LAPAN. The President also asked all ministries to refer to rice data released by BPS based on this KSA method.

For the innovations submitted by BPS, the PANRB Ministry awarded RADAR PADI as one of the Top 99 Public Service Innovations in 2019. BPS Secretary General Adi Lumaksono was accompanied by BPS Director of Food Crops, Horticulture and Plantation Statistics, Hermanto had the opportunity to receive the award certificate at Gumaya Hotel , Semarang (18/7). "This is an achievement and innovation that is very useful, especially regarding the hustle and bustle of rice statistics. With this innovation the data generated will be even better in the future," Adi said.

The event which was packaged in a tumultuous event was attended by the Minister of PANRB, Syafruddin; Minister of Home Affairs, Tjahjo Kumolo; and the Governor of Central Java; Ganjar Pranowo. In his remarks, Ganjar reminded of the high public expectations of public servants from the government. This makes sectoral never free from the desire to innovate in terms of service to the public. "Today like it or not, like it or not, people have to think about how to innovate and reform. If not, now they are beaten by the people, "he said.

While Syafruddin said that now the atmosphere is innovation. "The proof, since the innovation competition was rolled out in 2014, the trend is increasing. Its peak this year. "Of the 330 ministries / institutions and local governments, there have been 3,156 innovations," he explained.

This means that RADAR PADI was able to set aside 3,057 other innovation proposals. The next question is can RADAR PADI penetrate 45 of 2019's best public service innovations? We just wait for the results of the interview and presentation assessment by an independent panel team.
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