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In the Land of Papua, the Regional Regulations of the Sulampua GRDP were held

In the Land of Papua, the Regional Regulations of the Sulampua GRDP were held

In the Land of Papua, the Regional Regulations of the Sulampua GRDP were held

July 3, 2019 | BPS Activities

Sorong - "Disparity in poverty is still high. Therefore, interactive and positive discussions among us are expected to be a development solution, "said Head of BPS, Kecuk Suhariyanto when he was a keynote speaker at the" Regional Consultation Activity (Conreg) of Sulampua 2019 GRDP "with the theme" Encouraging Economic Growth in Sulampua Region ( Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua) that are just and sustainable through increased competitiveness and utilization of regional superior resources ”, (27/6). Furthermore, Kecuk said that BPS will continue to support in terms of strengthening data including through disaggregation of PMTB, so that it can become a comprehensive and integrated physical investment database. In addition, an IRIO (Inter-regional Input Output) Table will be formed to identify superior sectors / products in each region.
Previously, the event which took place at Aimas Convention Center Sorong was opened by the Governor of West Papua, Dominggus Mandacan. In his remarks, Dominggus explained that in order to support the success of regional development programs, it must utilize statistical data. This is important to realize the dream of West Papua into a natural conservation province. Every effort to improve the economy should indeed be based on sustainability in order to avoid pollution and environmental damage in Papua. "We take care of nature, our guardianship. We take care of the forest, our forest, "said Dominggus.
On the same occasion Iskandar Simorangkir, Deputy of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Macro and Financial Coordination explained that there was one unique economic phenomenon in Papua, namely the poverty rate was very high, but the unemployment rate was below the national figure. "This indicates the low quality of human resources," said Iskandar. Therefore, it is expected that this GRDP Conregulation will produce a solution so that the quality of workers will improve.
The program continued with a talkshow filled by Deputy Head of Balance Sheet and BPS Statistical Analysis (Sri Soelistyowati), Deputy of BPS Service and Distribution Statistics (Yunita Rusanti), Director of Disadvantaged Areas, Transmigration, and Rural Ministry of PPN / Bappenas (Velix Vernando Wanggai), Head Bank Indonesia South Sulawesi Province representatives who oversee Sulampua (Bambang Kusmiarso), and University academics Hasanudin (Tahir Kasnawi).
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