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Handover of Land Grants from the Governor of Kalimantan Barat

Handover of Land Grants from the Governor of Kalimantan Barat

Handover of Land Grants from the Governor of Kalimantan Barat

April 8, 2019 | Other Activities

Pontianak - "Wow, there are so many who welcome me. In fact, the location of the kabupaten / kota BPS is far apart, "said the Head of BPS, Kecuk Suhariyanto in the presence of echelon III ranks in West Kalimantan Province (Kalbar) when he first arrived in Pontianak, (20/3). The arrival of the Head of BPS was also welcomed with dances and gifts of tanjak (headbands, red) typical of Pontianak City. The visit of the Head of BPS to Bumi Khatulistiwa was in order to "Handover Land Grants from West Kalimantan Province to West Kalimantan Provincial BPS" today (21/3).

Located in the office of the Governor of West Kalimantan, the signing of the minutes of the handover of land grants was carried out by the Head of BPS and the Governor of West Kalimantan, Sutarmidji. "With the provision of these assets, structuring State Property is expected to be more orderly and well managed. In addition to producing quality BPS data, BPS is also very committed to orderly administration so that all State Property can be monitored better, "Kecuk said shortly after the signing was complete.

Head of BPS of West Kalimantan Province, Pitono hopes that with the awarding of the land, the construction of a new office building on an area of ​​about 2,258 square meters can be realized soon. He said that this moment was very much awaited by all employees in the BPS of West Kalimantan Province after all this time. "It is undeniable that the West Kalimantan Provincial Office BPS buildings and buildings are currently the only provincial BPS buildings that are not in accordance with the prototypes that have been determined by BPS, so development needs to be done," explained Pitono on the background of the need to construct a new building in West Kalimantan BPS .

Kecuk also advised all employees of BPS West Kalimantan Province, "I hope to my friends, with the handover of these assets can be an encouragement for us all. These assets must also be taken care of as well as possible, so that in the future we can be more productive so that we can produce more quality data and of course benefit the community. "
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