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Education on Susenas Processing for Ministries / Institutions

Education on Susenas Processing for Ministries / Institutions

Education on Susenas Processing for Ministries / Institutions

April 8, 2019 | Other Activities

Jakarta - A total of 25 invitations involving various ministries / institutions (K / L), including from the Ministry of Finance, Bappenas, Ministry of Social Affairs, and the Ministry of Health were present in Building 3, 1st floor of BPS in the event "Susenas Data Processing Training for Non Government Ministries and Institutions Department, (3/19). The Director of BPS Statistics Dissemination, Adhi Wiriana in the opening said that many of her friends at the K / L who had downloaded the Susenas data but did not understand how to read the data. This event, according to Adhi, was one of the efforts of BPS to develop K / L in understanding statistical data produced by BPS.

Present as speakers, BPS Head of Section (Kasi) of Household Statistics Processing, Amiek Chamami explained various basic things from Susenas, ranging from general explanations, methodologies, enumeration and supervision procedures, questionnaires, to statistical software used in Susenas data processing. "The implementation of the Susenas is conducted twice a year, namely in March and September. There are at least ten Susenas publications produced in each year, "Amiek explained. The enthusiasm of the participants was evident from the many questions asked such as how to determine substitute samples, the mechanism for requesting data, the coverage of respondents, to other strategic data indicators. At the end of the material, participants were invited to process Susenas data with SPSS.

Previously, the Head of BPS Statistics Promotion, Tiyas Ambarsari also provided an explanation of BPS statistics activities and services. How the role of BPS in the National Statistics System, the scope of data, the variety of micro data, and online services are some important things that are presented to introduce BPS and its products. "BPS calculates from small ones such as chili curly and vegetables to the inflation rate, to the large population census event in 2020," said Tiyas.
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