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The Economic Indicator Publication Table is now available in the form of a Statistical Table, which can be accessed through Menu : Product > Directory. Click here to access the page.


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July 12, 2018 | BPS Activities

"The PMTB presented by BPS is one of the components in GDP / GRDP by expenditure.The contribution of the PMTB to the national economy is quite large at 30% and this is the second largest contributor after the household consumption, because the sharenya is large and also important to the national economy This PMTB is the focus of government attention ", said Director of Expense Account Puji Agus Kurniawan.

This was stated on the sidelines of the opening of the Innagement Candidate Training Program of PMTB Diaggregation Survey at Aston Bogor Hotel & Resort, Thursday (5/7). Also present was Director of Statistical Information System Muchamad Romzi. The event which took place on 3-7 July 2018 was attended by 130 participants coming from central BPS and provincial BPS.

PMTB as one component of GDP / PDRB compilers from the expenditure side shows the amount of physical investment in an area in a certain period. The current PMTB data broken down by 6 types of capital goods is still not meeting the needs of data users. More detailed data in the form of PMTB matrices is expected to support more focused policies as well as more in-depth analysis.

On the other hand Muchamad Romzi said that this treatment should be clear, therefore he hopes IPDS friends and subject mater should try to be more intense in coordinating to finalize the results of this PMTB. (Humas BPS / Kurv)
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