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Towards One National Plantation Data

Towards One National Plantation Data

Towards One National Plantation Data

August 30, 2018 | BPS Activities

Bogor - With a humorous tone, BPS Deputy of Production Statistics, M. Habibullah inserted important messages that led participants to the "Discussion of Permanent Numbering (ATAP) of Plantations" at the Royal Padjadjaran Hotel, (24/8), to always be motivated pursue plantation data. "One plantation data has been pioneered since two years ago. But what is needed is continuity. If it is difficult to collect, then good coordination between BPS and companies is needed, "he said.

A similar emphasis was delivered by the BPS Director of Statistics on Food Crops, Horticulture and Plantations, Hermanto. According to him, BPS with rapidly developing technology must follow the tastes of the present when registering, both from the appearance of officers who are always neat and need to find ways and have a different approach when registering companies. For this reason, this activity was held as a means of socializing the confirmation of filling in the online Plantation Company Survey (SKB) application to synchronize plantation data figures for all provinces in Indonesia.

The Secretariat of the Directorate General of Plantation, Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan), Sigit Wahyudi, was also present at this event. In his presentation, Sigit explained that BPS and the Ministry of Agriculture need to integrate tasks that are their responsibility into one data output. Therefore, data synchronization at the district, provincial and data adjustments is very important. Thus, when the steps taken are the same, then the perception of the two ministries / institutions must also be the same.

BPS's Plant Crop Statistics Sub-directorate, which oversees the activities of giving awards to the three provinces that are rated as the most outstanding in terms of the presence of plantation company documents, communication and coordination, as well as support for stakeholders. The three best provinces were achieved by the Central Java Province BPS, East Java Provincial BPS, and Central Kalimantan Provincial BPS.
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