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Towards One Valid and Reliable KUMKM Data

Towards One Valid and Reliable KUMKM Data

Towards One Valid and Reliable KUMKM Data

December 7, 2021 | BPS Activities

Jakarta - Referring to the role of BPS as a statistician as stated in Presidential Decree No. 39 of 2019 concerning One Indonesian Data, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) in collaboration with BPS, and supported by Bappenas will conduct a Complete Data Collection on Cooperatives, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (PL-KUMKM) in 2022-2024.

The scope of PL-KUMKM covers all business units/companies throughout Indonesia. In 2022, which is the initial stage of data collection, there will be data on 14.5 million businesses that are incorporated as KUMKM legal entities, mainly with permanent criteria, namely having business buildings and a mix.

"Currently, KUMKM data is still scattered throughout all agencies. To realize a single valid and reliable KUMKM database, collaboration between government agencies is needed. In the future, this database can become the government's foundation in designing comprehensive programs and interventions, as well as being the government's main reference in creating better market and ecosystem opportunities,” said Setianto, Deputy for Distribution Statistics and Services of BPS in his remarks at the "FGD" event. MSME Data Collection Progress 2022" at the Westin Hotel, Jakarta (6/12). Apart from BPS, the FGD was also attended by representatives from the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs and Bappenas.

Data spread across all agencies which BPS considers representative enough to be used as a pre-list in compiling a single KUMKM database, including data for the Productive Assistance program for Micro Enterprises and business license data from the Kemenkop UKM, tax data for the MSME category from the Director General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance. (Ministry of Finance), customer data for People's Business Credit (KUR) Program Credit Information System from the Ministry of Finance and the KUR Committee, as well as digital business unit data from private marketplaces. Meanwhile, BPS uses data from the 2016 Economic Census.

Siti Azizah, Deputy for Entrepreneurship at the Ministry of Cooperatives for SMEs, said that the MSME data which is still scattered and not standardized has resulted in the empowerment program being less effective in encouraging the improvement of the performance of cooperatives and MSMEs. With the existence of a single KUMKM data, integrated information will be created, so that it can become a program control/monitoring and evaluation tool that can be used as a basis for preparing government programs.

From the results of this PL-KUMKM, five indicators will be produced, namely the contribution of MSMEs to the formation of GDP/GDP, employment to measure poverty, contribution to exports which is useful for measuring the competitiveness of local MSMEs, the role of MSMEs in investment, and the development of the entrepreneurship ratio. (humasnews/asf, wid)
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