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WTP is a must

WTP is a must

WTP is a must

July 19, 2018 | Other Activities

"Since I was appointed Head of BPS, I have determined that non-technical areas are as important as technical. This training shows what I want that non-technical training is also very necessary, "said Head of BPS, Kecuk Suhariyanto in his speech when opening the Integration of RKAKL Compilation Activities for Fiscal Year 2019 and Budget Evaluation 2018; Guidance of Legal Officers; Socialization of Presidential Regulation No. 16 of 2018; and Inner Candidate Training of Horticultural Business Cost Structure Survey (SOUH) 2018 held on 17-19 July 2018.

Kecuk reminds that no matter how good BPS data product if unable to maintain unqualified opinion (WTP) in BPS financial report will be in vain. "The procurement process of goods and services is very important because it affects the opinion of BPK to BPS financial statements. Therefore, every responsible person must understand the rules and do not allow multi interpretation of the regulation, "said Kecuk to 419 participants who are representatives of central BPS, provincial BPS, and regency / city BPS in Hotel Holiday Inn Bandung.

In relation to the training of Candidate Innas SOUH 2018, Kecuk also requested that SOUH 2018 should be able to provide data on important commodity cost structure in horticulture, explore what constraints and what is good so that SOUH data can give advice to the government what needs to be addressed.

In the future the BPS challenge is getting bigger, the industry revolution 4.0 has started, big data already exists, and technological developments are progressing. "We must survive and be able to adapt. If you keep working like ten years ago then we will drown, "concluded kecuk.
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