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Trade Flow of Shallot Commodity in Indonesia 2019

Trade Flow of Shallot Commodity in Indonesia 2019

Catalog Number : 8201018
Publication Number : 06130.2007
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-318-3
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : January 13, 2020
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 3.27 MB


The distribution pattern of shallots trade illustrates the chain of shallots distribution from producers to end consumers in a region that involves trade actors. Every trading agent obtains a Transportation and Trade Margin (TTM). The more actors involved in the trade activities, the more the distribution chain has the potential. The length of the distribution chain is thought to cause price increases.. This publication analyzes the distribution of trade in shallots commodities in 34 provinces in Indonesia covering 318 districts / cities. Using the survey method on samples of producers and traders, information was obtained about the description of the pattern of commodity distribution of shallots nationally and regionally. The survey results show that the distribution of shallots from producers to end consumers involves 2 to 7 trade actors. The main pattern of distribution of shallots trade in Indonesia is farmers  Merchant traders  Retailers  End consumers with a total trading and transportation margin of 35,73 percent. Keywords: pattern, distribution, shallots, margin.
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