Financial Institution Statistics 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Financial Institution Statistics 2018

Catalog Number : 7205001
Publication Number : 06310.1905
ISSN/ISBN : 1412-7857
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : October 15, 2019
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 3.94 MB


Publication of Financial Institutions Statistics 2018 is an annual publication published by BPS-Statistics Indonesia. Information in this publication is obtained from the Survey of Financial Institutions conducted through provinces in Indonesia in mid-2018. Survey of Financial Institutions covers five types of Financial Institutions activities, namely: finance company and venture capital, pension funds, pawnshops, money changers, and savings and loan cooperatives. However, savings and loan cooperatives business is presented separately on the publication of Savings and Loan Cooperatives Statistics 2018. The data presented in this publication among others are profile of each financial institutions, balance sheets, and financial ratios. We realize that this publication still need some improvements. Therefore, constructive suggestions from all stakeholders are expected to improve similar publication in the future. Great appreciation and thanks to all parties, especially to the Financial Institution Corporate managers who have been willing to respond and fill out the questionnaire properly and quickly. Hopefully this publication is beneficial for data users.
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