Statistics of Ornamental Plants 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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Statistics of Ornamental Plants 2018

Catalog Number : 5206004
Publication Number : 05120.1903
ISSN/ISBN : 2339-0964
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : October 7, 2019
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 3.37 MB


In 2018, all cut flowers production increased. Cut flowers had the highest increase was rose at 17.61 million stalks (9.55 percent) and followed by gerbera, chrysantemum, orchid, tuberose, flamingo lily flower, gladiol, heliconia, and carnation. Most of potted plants had production decrease in 2018. The highest decrease was suffered by leather leaf fern at 5.06 million trees (54.76 percent), followed by anthurium with 440.41 thousand trees (31.46 percent) of decrease, and adenium which decreased by 248.20 thousand trees (24.81 percent). Increased production of potted plants as follows, dracaena increased by 4.69 million trees (197.22 percent), philodendron increased by 4.39 million trees (42.41 percent), and cordyline increased by 742.75 thousand trees (203.26 percent). For other ornamental plants, jasmine production fell by 8.06 thousand tons (32.9 percent), while palm production increased by 168.23 thousand trees (18.41 percent).
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