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Product - Publication

Statistics of Annual Fruit and Vegetable Plants in Indonesia 2018

Statistics of Annual Fruit and Vegetable Plants in Indonesia 2018

Catalog Number : 5205010
Publication Number : 05120.1901
ISSN/ISBN : 2088-8406
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : October 7, 2019
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 11.93 MB


Generally, production of annual fruit and vegetable plants in 2018 increased compared to 2017. The largest increase of fruits production was mango, production increased sharply by 420,998 tons or 19.1 percent (Table 1), while the largest increase of production of annual vegetables was twisted cluster bean, production increased sharply by 93,290 tons or 43.72 percent (Table 5).Decrease in production of annual fruits occured only in four commodities, consist of salacca, pomelo, marquisa, and grape. The largest decrease was salacca by 57,349 tons or 6.01 percent.
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