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Trade flow of red chili commodity in Indonesia 2018

Trade flow of red chili commodity in Indonesia 2018

Catalog Number : 8201019
Publication Number : 06130.1902
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-265-0
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : February 27, 2019
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2.95 MB


ABSTRACTIONThe publication provides a description of the distribution pattern of red chili commodity trade in 34 provinces in Indonesia, which covers 266 districts/cities. Using the survey method for producers and traders, information can be obtained about the description of the patterns of distribution of red chili commodities nationally and in each province. The survey results show that in general, the red chili produced by farmers then passes the trade business function in the form of traders of collectors before being redistributed either by wholesalers, which consist of distributors, sub-distributors, agents, and wholesalers, as well as retail traders, to arrive end consumer. The longest pattern involves three intermediary traders, while the shortest pattern involves an intermediary trader. In addition to the distribution pattern of the red chili trade, this publication also provides an overview of the magnitude of the margin received by each level of the trade business function. From each margin received by each level of the trader, the total margin charged to end consumers can be calculated. Keywords: pattern, distribution, red chili, margin
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