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Trade flow of sugar commodity in Indonesia 2018

Trade flow of sugar commodity in Indonesia 2018

Catalog Number : 8201007
Publication Number : 06130.1903
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-264-3
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : February 26, 2019
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2.86 MB


ABSTRACTHigh disparity between prices at the producer level with prices at the consumer level and the lack of availability of goods to meet consumption needs, especially in large cities, inflict distribution pattern of commodity trade problems. In addition, the lack of available alternative choices, a sense of satisfaction that is not evenly distributed between producers, trade business institutions (in the trade system), and consumers is the problems in the distribution of goods.

This publication presents the distribution of domestic trade in sugar commodities in 34 provinces in Indonesia covering 266 districts / cities. Using the survey method in the sample producers and traders, information can be obtained about the description of the pattern of distribution of trade in sugar commodities nationally and in each province. The survey results show that the distribution of sugar from producers to consumers involves one to three trading business functions. In terms of commodity distribution, information was obtained that 9 provinces distributed sugar to outside the province. In terms of the acquisition of sugar, it is known that 33 provinces obtain supply of sugar from districts / cities outside the province, two provinces of which (Riau Islands Province and North Kalimantan Province) receive supply of sugar from abroad. This shows that Indonesia still relies on imported sugar in meeting consumption needs that have not been fulfilled from domestic production.

The main pattern of sugar distribution of trade in Indonesia is Producers  Distributors Grosir Wholesalers  Retailers  End Consumers with a trade and transportation margin of 31.34 percent.
Keywords: pattern, distribution, sugar, margin
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