Analysis of Current Issues 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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Analysis of Current Issues 2018

Catalog Number : 9101009
Publication Number : 07310.1805
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-241-4
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : November 30, 2018
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 8.97 MB


Analyses of current issues 2018 is Statistics Indonesia publication describing the existing phenomena happening in 2018 or potentially emerging in the next years. The analyzed issues sometimes describing the topic that connect to annual government program or medium term planning 2015-2019.The publication on this year has three main topic. The first is “The analyses of rice price fluctuation impact to Indonesian economic performance”. This issue has been selected based on the intensity of media news related to the rice price problem. In the publication, analyses more focuses on the impact of the price to the related factors.The second topic is “Trump policy impacts to the international trade and monetary condition of Indonesia”. This topic has been selected based on the cold war issue between the US and China. The cold war will affect global economy and emerging country economic situation, including Indonesia. The third topic is “Identifying potential trading country partners”. The background of the topic selection is the indication of the decreasing trend of import and export value between Indonesia and The US and China. In this topic, the selected potential trading country partners are identified based on some indicators, for example Trade Complementarity Index, Trade Intensity Index, and Revealed Comparative Advantage.
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