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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture - Edition 1

Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture - Edition 1
Release Date : December 4, 2023
File Size : 3.58 MB


The number of Individual Agricultural Holding (UTP) was 29,342,202 units, a decrease of 7.45 percent from 2013 which was 31,705,295 units.
  • The number of Agricultural Households (RTUP) was 28,419,398 households, an increase of 8.74 percent from 2013 which was 26,135,469 households.
  • The ratio of Individual Agricultural Holding (UTP) to Agricultural Households (RTUP) in 2023 was 1.03, which is 0.18 points lower than in 2013, which was 1.21.
  • The number of Agricultural Corporation (UPB) was 5,705 units, an increase of 35.54 percent from 2013, which was 4,209 units.
  • The number of Other Agricultural Holding (UTL) was 12,926 units, an increase of 116.08 percent from 2013, which was 5,982 units.
  • The millennial farmers aged 19–39 were 6,183,009 farmers or around 21.93 percent of all farmers in Indonesia.
  • The number of urban farming UTPs was 13,019 units.
  • The top 10 commodities most widely cultivated/farmed by UTP were inbred paddy rice, common native chicken, beef cattle, coconuts, hybrid maize, goats, oil palm, cassava, rubber, and hybrid paddy rice.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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