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Product - Official Statistics News

June 2021 exports reached US$18.55 billion, imports reached to US$17.23 billion

June 2021 exports reached US$18.55 billion, imports reached to US$17.23 billion

Release Date : July 15, 2021
File Size : 1.07 MB


  • Indonesia's export value in June 2021 reached US$18.55 billion or up 9.52 percent compared to exports in May 2021. Compared to June 2020 export value increased significantly by 54.46 percent.
  • Non-oil and gas exports in June 2021 reached US$17.31 billion, up 8.45 percent compared to May 2021, and up 51.35 percent compared to non-oil and gas exports in June 2020.
  • Cumulatively, the value of Indonesia's exports from January to June 2021 reached US$ 102.87 billion, an increase of 34.78 percent over the same period in 2020, as well as non-oil and gas exports which reached US$ 97.06 billion, an increase of 34.06 percent.
  • The largest increase occurred in iron and steel by US$486.4 million (32.31 percent), while the largest decrease in non-oil and gas exports in June 2021 compared to May 2021 occurred in animal/vegetable fats and oils of US$846.5 million (30.89 percent).
  • By sector, non-oil and gas exports from the processing industry from January to June 2021 rose 33.45 percent over the same period in 2020, as well as exports of agricultural products rose by 14.05 percent and exports of mining and other products rose 41.21 percent.
  • The largest non-oil and gas exports in June 2021 were to China at US$4.13 billion, followed by the United States at US$2.14 billion and Japan at US$1.36 billion, with the contribution of the three reaching 44.09 percent. Meanwhile, exports to ASEAN and the European Union (27 countries) amounted to US$3.59 billion and US$1.44 billion, respectively.
  • By province of origin, Indonesia's largest exports in January–June 2021 came from West Java with a value of US$16.08 billion (15.63 percent), followed by East Java with US$11.20 billion (10.89 percent) and Riau with US$9. .12 billion (8.86 percent) .

  • The value of Indonesia's imports in June 2021 reached US$17.23 billion, up 21.03 percent compared to May 2021 or up 60.12 percent compared to June 2020.
  • Oil and gas imports in June 2021 valued at US$2.30 billion, up 11.44 percent compared to May 2021 or up 239.38 percent compared to June 2020.
  • Non-oil and gas imports in June 2021 valued at US$14.93 billion, up 22.66 percent compared to May 2021 or up 48.08 percent compared to June 2020.
  • The largest increase in imports of non-oil and gas categories in June 2021 compared to May 2021 was machinery and mechanical equipment of US$506.7 million (28.31 percent). Meanwhile, the biggest decline was metal ore, slag and ash at US$126.8 million (53.48 percent).
  • The three largest suppliers of imported non-oil and gas goods during January–June 2021 are China US$25.27 billion (31.79 percent), Japan US$6.56 billion (8.26 percent), and South Korea US$4.45 billion (5 ,60 percent). Non-oil and gas imports from ASEAN were US$14.46 billion (18.19 percent) and the European Union US$4.99 billion (6.28 percent).
  • By category of use of goods, the value of imports from January to June 2021 against the same period the previous year saw an increase in consumption goods of US$1,618.4 million (22.55 percent), raw/auxiliary materials US$16,325.6 million (30.96 percent) , and capital goods US$2,163.1 million (19.68 percent).
  • Indonesia's trade balance in June 2021 experienced a surplus of US$1.32 billion, mainly from the non-oil and gas sector of US$2.38 billion. Meanwhile, in the oil and gas sector, there was a deficit of US$1.06 billion.
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