Gini Ratio in March 2018 was recorded at 0.389 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Gini Ratio in March 2018 was recorded at 0.389

Release Date : July 16, 2018
File Size : 0.19 MB


  • In March 2018, the level of inequality of Indonesian population expenditure as measured by the Gini Ratio was 0.389. This figure decreased by 0.002 points when compared with Gini Ratio September 2017 which amounted to 0.391. Meanwhile, when compared with Gini Ratio in March 2017 that amounted to 0.393 decreased by 0.004 points.
  • Gini Ratio in urban areas in March 2018 was recorded at 0.401, down from September 2017 Gini Ratio of 0.404 and Gini Ratio of March 2017 which was 0.407. Meanwhile, Gini Ratio in rural areas in March 2018 was recorded at 0.324, up by 0.004 points when compared to Gini Ratio in March 2017 and September 2017 of 0.320.
  • In March 2018, the distribution of expenditure in the lowest 40 percent group was 17.29 percent. This means that the population expenditure is in the category of low level of inequality. If specified by region, in urban areas the figure is 16.47 percent which means it is in the category of moderate inequality. While for rural areas, the figure is recorded at 20.15 percent, which means it falls into the category of low inequality.
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