BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Indonesia's exports in June 2017 reached US $ 11.64 billion and Indonesian Imports in June 2017 reached US $ 10.01 billion

Indonesia's exports in June 2017 reached US $ 11.64 billion and Indonesian Imports in June 2017 reached US $ 10.01 billion
Release Date : July 17, 2017
File Size : 0.58 MB


Table 1. FOB Value of Indonesian Exports (Million US $) and Percentage of Change 

Table 2. FOB Value of Non Oil & Gas Exports by 2 Digits of HS Code (Million US $) and Percentage of Change 

Table 3. FOB Value of Non Oil & Gas Indonesian Exports by Destination Country (Million US$) and Percentage of Change 

Table 4. FOB Value of Indonesian Exports by Sector (Million US$) and Percentage of Change 

Table 5. Volume of Indonesian Export (Thousand Ton) and Percentage of Change 

Table 6. Average Price Aggregate of Indonesian Export (US$/Ton) and Percentage of Change 

Table 7. FOB Values of Indonesian Exports by Province of Origin and Load Ports (Million US$) January-June 2017

Table 8. Growth of Indonesian Imports (Million US$) and the Change January–June 2016 dan 2017

Table 9. Growth of Indonesian Import Volume (Thousand Ton) and the Change January–June 2016 and 2017

Table 10. Average Price Aggregate of Indonesian Import

Table 11. Non Oil & Gas Indonesian Imports by Two Digits HS Code (Commodity Groups) And the Change January–June 2016 and 


Table 12. Non Oil & Gas Imports of Indonesia by Country of Origin and the Change January–June 2016 and 2017

Table 13. Indonesian Imports by Economic Category and The Change January–June 2016 and 2017

Table 14. Balance of Trade Value in Indonesia, June 2016-June 2017 (Million US$)

Table 15. Balance of Trade Volume in Indonesia, June 2016-June 2017 (Thousand ton)
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