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Product - Official Statistics News

The May 2006 CPI Was 140.16, Or Inflated 0.37%

The May 2006 CPI Was 140.16, Or Inflated 0.37%

The May 2006  CPI  Was 140.16, Or Inflated  0.37%Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : June 1, 2006
File Size : 0.02 MB


  • The May 2006 Consumer Price Index (CPI) was 140.16, or inflated 0.37% from the previous month. All indices of expenditure groups increased, the foodstuff which changed from 131.24 to 131.61 or 0.28% inflation; prepared food, beverages, cigarette and tobacco index increased from 135.02 to 135.43 or 0.30% inflation; housing, water, electric, gas and fuel increased from 144.40 to 144.83 or 0.30% inflation; clothing from 124.02 to 126.54 or 2.03% inflation; health from 122.93 to 123.63 or 0.57% inflation; education, recreation and sport 136.76 to 136.86 or inflated 0.07%; transport, communication and financial services from 165.89 to 166.18 or 0.17% inflation.
  • There were price increases of several goods/services such as: gold accessories; garlic; rice; purebred chicken meat; leasing house fee; gasoline; purebred chicken egg; orange; cooked rice and side dishes served together; soto (special soup); clove-flavored cigarette; filter cigarette; lumber; wages of labor; kerosene; and hospital care fee. Whereas the prices of the following commodities decreased: red chili; small chili; and tomato (vegetable). Inflation rate for 2006 and year- on- year (May 2006 on May 2005) were 2.41% and 15.60% respectively.
  • The core of CPI in May 2006 changed from 130.61 to 131.18 or yielded core inflation 0.44% compared to the previous month. The volatile good component changed from 133.58 to 134.07 or 0.37% inflation, and the administered good component from 177.00 to 177.40 or 0.23% inflation. In May 2006, the monthly and year- on -year core inflations were 2.40 % and 9.54% respectively. Whereas the volatile good inflation and the administered price inflations were (5.10% and 19.36%) and (0.86%, 31.04%) for the same time comparison, respectively.
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