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Product - Official Statistics News

The June 2005 CPI Was 121.86, Or Inflated 0.50%

The June 2005 CPI Was 121.86, Or Inflated 0.50%

The June 2005 CPI  Was 121.86, Or Inflated  0.50%Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 1, 2005
File Size : 0.02 MB


  • The June 2005 Consumer Price Index (CPI) was 121.86, or inflated 0.50% from the previous month at 121.25. All indices of expenditure groups increased from the previous month. The foodstuff index changed from 112.92 to 113.74 or inflated 0.73%; prepared food, beverages, cigarette and tobacco from 120.11 to 121.52 or 1.17% inflation; housing, water, electric, gas and fuel increased from 128.45 to 128.77 or 0.25% inflation; clothing from 114.73 to 115.19 or 0.40% inflation; health from 115.20 to 115.57 or 0.32% inflation; education, recreation and sport 126.83 to 127.03 or 0.16% inflation; transport, communication and financial services from 126.93 to 127.23 or 0.24% inflation.
  • There were price increases of several goods/services such as: filter cigarette, clove-flavored cigarette, shallot, garlic, purebred chicken meat, purebred chicken eggs, rice, leasing house fee, rental house fee, passenger plane fare, string bean, petai, cooked noodle, powdered coffee, cigarette without clove flavoring, cement, housemaid cost, gold accessories and maintenance/service fare of personal vehicle. Whereas the prices of the following commodities decreased: sugar, fresh fish, green jackfruit, small chili and iron sheeting. Inflation rates for January - June 2005 and year on year (June 2005 on June 2004) were 4.28% and 7.42% respectively.
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