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Product - Official Statistics News

The September 2005 CPI Was 124.33, Or Inflated 0.69%

The September 2005 CPI Was 124.33, Or Inflated 0.69%

The September 2005 CPI  Was 124.33, Or Inflated  0.69%Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : October 3, 2005
File Size : 0.02 MB


  • The September 2005 Consumer Price Index (CPI) was 124.33, or inflated 0.69% from August 2005 at 123.48. All indices of expenditure groups also increased. The foodstuff index changed from 116.25 to 116.73 or inflated 0.41%. prepared food, beverages, cigarette and tobacco from 122.68 to 124.10 or 1.16% inflation. housing, water, electric, gas and fuel increased from 129.83 to 130.45 or 0.48% inflation. clothing from 116.32 to 117.69 or 1.18% inflation. health from 116.47 to 117.47 or 0.86% inflation. education, recreation and sport 132.46 to 134.35 or 1.43% inflation. transport, communication and financial services from 127.39 to 127.91 or 0.41% inflation.
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