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The Polytechnics of STIS Graduates Embark on Career Journeys

The Polytechnics of STIS Graduates Embark on Career Journeys

The Polytechnics of STIS Graduates Embark on Career Journeys

November 1, 2024 | Other Activities

"Graduating from the BPS’ Polytechnics of STIS is just the start of your career. Leadership isn’t about having a title; it’s about pairing intelligence with essential soft skills like leadership, communication, and attitude,” said BPS Principal Secretary Imam Machdi, addressing 677 new graduates from Polytechnics of STIS at their graduation ceremony on Wednesday, September 18. Imam took the opportunity to connect with the graduates, highlighting BPS’s role in providing data that supports national development.

Joining the event were the Polytechnics of STIS Director Erni Tri Astuti and Head of BPS Human Resources Bureau, Eni Lestariningsih. Eni emphasized that STIS graduates are valuable assets to BPS, deserving guidance as they begin their careers. Graduates are encouraged to join orientation programs or internships at BPS’s central and regional offices to build confidence and gain firsthand exposure to the workplace before receiving their final assignments.

The event also featured Chief Methodologist and General Manager of the Methodology and Data Science Division at the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Anders Holmberg, who, along with his team, shared words of encouragement and inspiration with the new graduates.

The goal of the ceremony was to inspire the Polytechnics of STIS graduates to contribute meaningfully, wherever their careers may take them.

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