October 29, 2024 | Other Activities
BPS represented by the Deputy of Social Statistics, Ateng Hartono, welcomed a courtesy visit from the United Nations Resident Coordinator (UNRC), led by Gita Sabharwal, at BPS office Building 3.
This meeting was inspired by the commitment between BPS and UNRC towards One Data Indonesia (SDI) to align national data with international standards to bridge the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) data gap in Indonesia.
In his presentation, Ateng stated that to achieve Golden Indonesia 2045, one of the focuses is the SDGs as a development framework. The 2030 SDGs provide a robust framework for Indonesia to become a High-Income Country. BPS's commitment to providing SDG data includes innovative data production and application, as well as coordination to assist ministries/agencies in providing SDG indicators through the Indonesia One Data’s policy framework. A total of 114 out of 289 National SDG Indicators are under the supervision of BPS.
Gita Sabharwal appreciates the precise and excellent strategy that BPS has. BPS data at the national level is strong and superior compared to other countries, especially in Asia. At the other hand, UNRC understand that BPS has data at the district level and below, and UNRC wants to provide assistance and support in relation to that. BPS has encouraged the provision of administrative data with initiatives such as the Indonesian Vital Statistics System, One Data on International Migration, and the Integrated Village Data through PODES.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik(BPS - Statistics Indonesia)
Jl. Dr. Sutomo 6-8
Jakarta 10710 Indonesia
Telp (62-21) 3841195; 3842508; 3810291
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Mailbox : bpshq@bps.go.id