Bank Indonesia Commends Collaboration with BPS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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Bank Indonesia Commends Collaboration with BPS

Bank Indonesia Commends Collaboration with BPS

August 23, 2024 | Other Activities

The Directorate of Methodology Development for Censuses and Surveys (PMSS) at Statistics Indonesia (BPS) has received an appreciation award from the Compliance Report Management Department (DPKL) of Bank Indonesia (BI). The award was presented in recognition of their joint efforts to enhance the validity and quality of economic sector data in 2024. The award ceremony took place during the “Thematic Socialization of Integrated General Bank Reports (LBUT) to Islamic Commercial Banks and Islamic Business Units” event held in Bali on August 9th.

In his remarks, Kadarmanto, Director of PMSS of BPS, expressed gratitude to DPKL of BI for their synergistic efforts in improving the quality of the Indonesian Standard Industrial Classification (KBLI) data in the integrated bank reports. “The KBLI is currently utilized in the creation of economic codes for the preparation of Integrated General Bank Reports. Moreover, KBLI plays a crucial role in BPS censuses and surveys, risk-based business licensing (Online Single Submission) by the Ministry of Investment/BKPM, and the mapping of sectoral responsibility based on the relevant legislation by the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and the Cabinet Secretariat,” he stated. He further emphasized the strategic importance of KBLI and thanked BI for its continuous active role and enthusiasm in fostering cooperation and synergy with BPS.

Teddy Pirngadi, Director of DPKL of BI, highlighted the importance of accurately reporting economic sector data in LBUT. “Accurate reporting is crucial as errors in filling out the economic sector data could affect the eligibility of banks for incentives under the Macroprudential Liquidity Policy (KLM). Therefore, banks play a significant role in ensuring the precision of economic sector data in LBUT,” he noted.

During the event, it was also agreed that the collaboration and synergy between BI and BPS would support the successful implementation of the 2026 Economic Census (SE2026). Teddy Pirngadi welcomed the initiative, offering BPS the opportunity to socialize SE2026 to the banking sector, guided by BI, through various available channels

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