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BPS Invites Data Custodian (WALIDATA) to Contribute to KBLI 2020 Drafting

BPS Invites Data Custodian (WALIDATA) to Contribute to KBLI 2020 Drafting

BPS Invites Data Custodian (WALIDATA) to Contribute to KBLI 2020 Drafting

March 4, 2024 | BPS Activities

"New kinds of business are constantly emerging, along with the disappearance of certain types of business as a result of the era of digitalization disruption. This has led to BPS-Statistics Indonesia’s need to re-update the 2020 Indonesian Standard Business Field Classification (KBLI-Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia), under international standards, " said the Principal Secretary, Atqo Mardiyanto in his welcome remarks at the Kick Off KBLI 2020 event in BPS office, Thursday (29/2).

Director of Census and Survey Methodology Development, Sarpono explains the objectives of KBLI's improvement as well as the standard classification of the KBLI code that has been drawn up by BPS since 1977. The Kick Off agenda is held in hybrid, which is attended by representatives from ministries/agencies' data custodians (walidata). Sarpono said.

All participants contributed actively to the discussion. Act as speakers are Ichsan Zulkarnain from The Coordinating Minister for the Economy; and Dendy Apriandi from the Ministry of Investment / Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board. Acts as moderator, Expert Statistician from BPS, Heru Margono.
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