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Indonesian Agriculture Census

Indonesian Agriculture Census

Indonesian Agriculture Census

December 18, 2021 | BPS Activities

The agricultural sector plays an important role in the life, development and economy of Indonesia. As an agricultural country, the agricultural sector is able to conserve natural resources, provide life and livelihood, and create jobs.

The sustainability of the agricultural sector in the long term requires careful planning, as well as accurate and reliable data. The 2023 Agricultural Census data (ST2023) is the answer to the latest strategic issues in the agricultural sector that are needed by the government. ST2023 guarantees the availability of agricultural data needs, both at the regional level, national level, and global level.

The spirit of implementation, goals, and benefits of ST2023 is reflected in the theme song and video "Mencatat Indonesia" which has been inaugurated as the ST2023 theme song. We present the official video clip for the ST2023 theme song with that spirit.

#Sustainable Agriculture
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