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BPS Intervention in International Statistics

BPS Intervention in International Statistics

BPS Intervention in International Statistics

March 4, 2021 | Other Activities

The 52nd annual session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (# UNSC) was held virtually as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The # UNSS52 event which is usually held in New York, this year is divided into two main sessions which will be held on 1 - 3 and 5 March 2021.

This grand statistical activity in the international world invites all countries to change their views and think more critically through the themes #MakeNatureCount and #BeyondGDP.

Followed by 150 countries and international organizations, BPS together with 4 selected countries, were given a valuable opportunity to convey the intervention orally through an official statement.

BPS provides valuable input for the development of world statistics in the discussion of the "Business and Trade Statistics" agenda.

"The linking between business register and international trade statistics is urged to be included in the revision of the manual in order to get the complete picture of economic activities.

Even more, we are doing the economic activities that is moving to the digital era. We realized that the modern digital activities either formal (such as via the marketplace) and informal digital transactions (such as via social media marketing) are difficult to capture and need some certain treatments.

Therefore, it is important to have a clear guideline on how to capture the formal and informal digital transactions. " said Sri Soelistyowati, Deputy for Balance and Statistical Analysis at BPS, who was appointed as the head of the Indonesian delegation when delivering the official statement.

# UNSC52
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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