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International Seminar "20 Years Statistics in The Service of Nations for Industrialization"

International Seminar "20 Years Statistics in The Service of Nations for Industrialization"

International Seminar "20 Years Statistics in The Service of Nations for Industrialization"

September 26, 2014 | Other Activities

The Chief Statistician Suryamin and Director of Industrial Statistics Emil Azman Sulthani, on 9-14 June 2014, attended the International Seminar "20 Years in the Service of Statistics Nations for Industrialization" in Vienna, Austria. The seminar is sponsored by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Statistics Unit. The seminar was attended by 12 NSOs, namely Austria, Bulgaria, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Oman, Russia, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and Vietnam. In addition, there were also some UNIDO partners involved in the compilation of some statistics such as the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and Edward Elgar (a publishing company).

The seminar discussed about the industrial census and survey methodology, industrial data, current issues on industrial statistics and activities, which are related to policy making, gender gap, demographic structure and business statistics structure, economic statistics and business directories, green growth indicator, development in industry for the social welfare, green industry, online industrial statistics, and UNIDO technical cooperation programs in 2014.

On the first day of the seminar, 11 June 2014, in the opening session the Indonesian Chief Statistician BPS took part as chairperson for the discussion on issues in industrial statistics. The first session was the presentation from the delegation of Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam statistics office. Presentation of Indonesian Industrial Statistics was delivered in the second session by Emil Azman Sulthani, the Director of Industrial Statistics.

On the last day, the chief statistician also held a meeting with the Indonesian Ambassador to Austria and Slovenia, Rahmat Budiman. The publication of Statistics Indonesia 2013 was officially handed over to the ambassador for presentation material purpose in introducing Indonesia in both countries.

These kinds of international events are necessary for BPS to get more international insight and experience for its statistics improvement.
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