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Indonesian Statistics University Supports #SP2020

Indonesian Statistics University Supports #SP2020

Indonesian Statistics University Supports #SP2020

February 14, 2020 | Other Activities

Malang - Like an old friend who has not met for a long time, a warm and intimate atmosphere felt very thick in the grand meeting of all Statistics Universities in Indonesia which took place at the Ijen Hotel, Malang (7-8 / 2). A total of 60 representatives of Statistics Universities, Statistics Higher Education Forum (Forstat), and the Association of Indonesian Statistics Students Association (IHMSI) gathered to support the 2020 Population Census, the implementation of which is in sight. The similarity of knowledge with BPS is a strong initial capital to support one another.

The meeting this time was not only to socialize the stages of SP2020 activities but also to get support commitments and finalize the involvement of students and statistics universities in SP2020. The hope, with the involvement of students and universities can increase the response rate in the implementation of SP2020 Online.

In his keynote speech, Bustanul Arifin as Chairman of the Statistics Community Forum (FMS) told how the SP2020 began using a combination method. Coordination between Dukcapil and BPS is carried out continuously until harmony is created as it is today.

Kecuk Suhariyanto, Head of BPS said, "The key to SP2020's success is community participation. Even though the questionnaire and methodology are good, if the respondent does not want to answer or answers dishonestly, the quality of SP2020 results will still not be of quality. Kecuk invites all universities to be directly involved in SP2020. "Ready! Forstat is ready to play a role in the success of SP2020, "said Suhartono, Chairman of Forstat in his remarks. According to Suhartono SP2020 is a momentum for students to know BPS activities and hopes BPS can open the door for statistical students who want to intern at BPS.

In his presentation on the stages of SP2020 activities, Nurma Midayanti, Director of Statistics of Population and Labor BPS confirmed that the application to update themselves at census.bps.go.id was designed in such a way that it was easy to use and Nurma assured the guarantee of data confidentiality.
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