October 17, 2019 | BPS Activities
Cirebon - "BPS is
heading towards modern statistics. The combination of the latest technology and
methodology will produce more accurate data than ever before," explained
Hermanto, Statistics Director of Food Crops, Horticulture and Plantation (STPHP)
of BPS, when opening the Discussion on the Acceleration of Garden Commodity
Results ( VKakao2019 and VTebu2019) at Luxton Hotel Cirebon on Tuesday (10/15).
The event was also
attended by the Director of BPS Statistics Information System, Muchammad Romzi,
and the Director of BPS Census Methodology and Survey Development, Sarpono.
"I am proud we can work together. Collaboration between our surveys, the
latest technology and new methodologies can produce better plantation
data," Hermanto said further. Also present were ten representatives from
the provincial BPS who were sampled VKakao2019 and VTebu2019.
In addition to discussing
the acceleration of the survey results, there will also be a demonstration of
the use of drones to measure sugarcane land area in an effort to improve the
quality of land area measurement. This activity will be carried out at the
Tersana Sugar Factory, East Cirebon on Thursday (17/10). "We present the
Indonesian Air Force as the drone operator and PT. Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia
(RNI) as the operator for the calculation of land area," said Solimah,
Head of BPS Plantation Plant Sub Directorate.
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