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Bogor - Deputy Head of Social Statistics BPS, Margo Yuwono, opened the National Instructor Training for the Update of Podes Updating Data in 2019 at the Ibis Style Bogor Hotel, (26/3). The Updating Potential Village (Podes) training was attended by representatives of each provincial BPS and central BPS with a total of 45 participants. Participants will discuss the Podes updating mechanism whose implementation is scheduled for 10 June-5 July 2019.
Margo explained, updating Podes is a national priority activity because it will be used to support development goals. Margo added, the use of Podes data is increasingly widespread. In addition to completing Regional Publications in Numbers, since 2014 Podes data has also been used to calculate the Geographical Difficulties Index (IKG) and calculation of the Village Development Index (IPD). Both the IKG and IPD are indicators that are strong enough to know the development of the village.
Podes data is also a government reference in stunting alleviation programs which are important issues related to human quality. Through Podes you can see the development of facilities and infrastructure handling stunting. There are at least three differences between updating Podes 2019 and the 2018 Podes. First, the 2019 Podes updating coverage is only in the village / kelurahan area, while the previous coverage includes three levels, namely the village / kelurahan, kecamatan, and kabupaten / kota. Second, this year's Podes updating question is less than last year. Third, updating Podes this time using an Android-based Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) application.