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50/5000 Ministry of Finance Appreciates Stakeholders, BPS One of them

50/5000 Ministry of Finance Appreciates Stakeholders, BPS One of them

 50/5000 Ministry of Finance Appreciates Stakeholders, BPS One of them

November 8, 2018 | Other Activities

Jakarta - Silence was felt in the Dhanapala Hall of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkeu) when the pewara asked about 1,000 people who were present in the room to bow their heads and pray for all victims of the Lion Air JT-610, Lombok earthquake victims, and victims of the Central Sulawesi earthquake. "May Allah SWT provide the best for them," he said. Amen ...
As the final event in the series of the 72nd Indonesian Oeang Day, the Ministry of Finance held a seminar with the theme "Cross-Generational Dialogue: Continuing the Economic Development Relay Towards Golden Indonesia in 2045". The speakers present were made across generations, starting from Sri Mulyani Indrawati (Indonesian Minister of Finance), Dorodjatun Kuntjoro Jakti (economist); William Tanuwijaya (CEO of Tokopedia); and Faith Usman (Co-founder of the Teacher's Room). The seminar was hosted by Rosianna Silalahi.
"Now that I submit a lot to the millennial generation in the Ministry of Finance, the millennial generation in the Ministry of Finance is 60 percent. We have to change. Changing the culture will be long, but this dynamic will not wait. What makes this republic forward is a mindset and ability to organize," said Sri Mulyani.
At the end of the event, the Ministry of Finance also gave appreciation to stakeholders. BPS is an institution that is appreciated by the management of its Non-Tax State Revenues. The Main Secretary of BPS, Adi Lumaksono received an award submitted by the Indonesian Deputy Minister of Finance, Mardiasmo.
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