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Statistics Polytechnic STIS is My Choice

Statistics Polytechnic STIS is My Choice

Statistics Polytechnic STIS is My Choice

May 14, 2018 | Other Activities

Selection of new admissions STIS Statistics Management Polytechnic held again. Entrance Test Phase 1 is conducted starting on Saturday (12/5) simultaneously throughout Indonesia, including on the campus of STIS Statistics Polytechnic. Applicants from various regions flocked to campus located on Otto Islandardinata 64c street since this morning.

The implementation of Entrance Test STIS this time is different from previous years because the committee uses CAT (Computer Assisted Test) system. The use of this system is considered better because it is efficient and the results are also more quickly known, especially in the future we have to go to renewable technology. "In the future, I think this needs to be maintained," said Kecuk Suhariyanto, Head of BPS when conducting inspection of Entrance Test STIS implementation. In addition, he also checked on several existing facilities on campus STIS Statistics Polytechnic.

Head of BPS admits that the quality of STIS students is very good and is recognized everywhere including in international institutions. To get a good quality it must do a rigorous selection, including in the selection of new students because the quota is available only 600 of dozens of thousands of registrants. He also reminded that to be successful is not enough just with intelligence, but also good behavior and communication with others.

Kecuk also advised the students to make the lecture atmosphere in the official stay pleasant and not glued to the academic, maintaining relationships with the army and the force force, and utilize the facilities both on campus and outside campus that can encourage productivity as possible. For Entrance Test participants, he suggested that STIS Statistics Polytechnics really be their first choice. Entrance Test Stage 1 Statistics Polytechnic STIS will be held for 3 days until Monday (14/5)
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