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Plenary Meeting of Indonesia Statistician Forum

Plenary Meeting of Indonesia Statistician Forum

Plenary Meeting of Indonesia Statistician Forum

September 29, 2017 | Other Activities

Statistics Indonesia (BPS) as a provider of statistical data in Indonesia, in producing the output is always monitored by various parties, one of them is Indonesia Statistician Forum (FMS). FMS is a nonstructural and independent community that has role to maintain and improve the quality of data provided by BPS. FMS conducts its XI plenary meeting at BPS, (27/9).

The discussed agenda is the appendix of the social work group on the National Labor Force Survey using ICLS 19 and the production and distribution working group's report on industry statistics.

Some members of the FMS who attended, among others: Sri Soelistyowati (BPS), Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo (Professor of Population Economics UI), Armida Alisjahbana (Padjadjaran University), and Kresnayana Yahya (Institute of Technology Ten November).

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