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Newly Appointed Chief and Vice Chief Statistician

Newly Appointed Chief and Vice Chief Statistician

Newly Appointed Chief and Vice Chief Statistician

February 20, 2025 | Other Activities

Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti took the oath of office as the eleventh Chief Statistician of Statistics Indonesia (BPS) at the State Palace today (19/2). Alongside her, President Prabowo Subianto also inaugurated Sonny Harry Budiutomo Harmadi as the Vice Chief Statistician of BPS. The ceremony was witnessed by Acting Principal Secretary of BPS, Dadang Hardiwan.

Before taking on this role, Amalia served as Expert Staff for Leading Sector Development and Digital Innovation at the Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN/Bappenas) and had been Acting Chief Statistician of BPS since July 2023. Sonny, meanwhile, was a member of the 2023–2024 National Statistical Society Forum.

Speaking after the inauguration, Amalia highlighted BPS's responsibility in finalizing and updating the National Socioeconomic Single Data to support targeted development programs, in line with Presidential Instruction No. 4 of 2025. Later that day, she and Sonny met with BPS’s first and second-echelon officials at the headquarters.

"Pak Sonny and I are committed to driving BPS forward and strengthening its impact on the nation," Amalia said with a smile. Sonny, addressing the BPS leadership team for the first time, added, "I will give my full support to the Chief. We are grateful that the President is highly supportive of BPS, and I hope we can work together in synergy."

Best wishes for a successful journey ahead in leading BPS to new heights!

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