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Consolidation Concurrent Technical Production Statistics

Consolidation Concurrent Technical Production Statistics

Consolidation Concurrent Technical Production Statistics

March 1, 2017 | BPS Activities

Food data polemic after decades of debate alluded Kecuk Suhariyanto, Head of BPS when opening Consolidated Technical Unison (context) in the scope of the Deputy for Production Statistics. Celebration with the theme "Love Work, Perfect Results, Data Quality Production Statistics" was held at the Tower Hotel Salak Bogor, February 28 to March 2, 2017. Moreover, the food security program became one of the main priorities. Has conducted research how to improve crop production data. All institutions involved in data calculation foods work together to improve the data. CPM can not be alone, but involves the Ministry of Agriculture, BIG, BPPT, BPN, and Lapan. Data to be repaired was extensive wetland raw, harvested area by using Sampling Frame Area and Landsat, and productivity measurement and conversion of grain.

Participants context is the whole Head of Production Statistics and the head of Agricultural Statistics BPS whole Indonesia. After the opening, participants contexts (divided into four groups) plunge into the fields to observe the selected segment with nine points of observation should be reported actual conditions when visited. In the observation of their direct application practices Sampling Frame Area.
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