Chairul Tanjung’s Appreciation for BPS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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Chairul Tanjung’s Appreciation for BPS

Chairul Tanjung’s Appreciation for BPS

June 10, 2014 | Other Activities

The swift in Coordinationg Minister for Economic Affairs position from Hatta Rajasa to Chairul Tanjung (CT), on 19 May 2014, made a positive impact to BPS. The Chief Statistician Suryamin officially attended the inauguration at the State Palace and afterwards handover ceremony at coordinating ministry office building. Subsequently on that day, the Chief Statistician participated in the economic coordination meeting held by the coordinationg ministry.

The meeting, led by CT as the new minister for economic affairs, discussed about food prices monitoring and the president directives. Besides the chief statistician, the other distinguisihing atttendants were the head of Bulog and head of Investment Coordinating Board. The chief statistician was requested to provide input about the monitoring of prices in order to control inflation and the explanation on main cause of the economic slowdown in the first quarter of 2014.

The involvement of BPS in the coordination meeting is a form of appreciation for its strategic role to provide the data for informed policy making. Therefore, the continuous effort to improve its data quality is an obligation in order to maintain its credibility. Another effort is to improve the public service, so the data can be well known publicly and obtained by all users.
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