BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia


Product - Statistical Data

Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries

Exports of Palm Oil by Major Countries of Destination, 2012-2023


Exports of Palm Oil by Major Countries of Destination, 2012-2023

Last Update : July 24, 2024

Exports of Palm Oil by Major Countries of Destination, 2012-2023
Country of destination 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
  Net weight : 000 Ton
India 5,456.3 6,191.7 4,983.6 5,886.5 5,459.1 7,376.8 6,415.8 4,655.3 4,631.9 3,101.8 4,999.3 5,406.9
China 3,246.7 2,824.0 2,761.0 4,230.1 3,209.3 3,642.2 4,216.4 5,983.1 4,483.5 4,860.0 4,278.7 5,440.9
Pakistan 758.0 1,103.6 1,828.0 2,326.4 2,108.5 2,194.1 2,459.6 2,217.0 2,490.9 2,679.6 2,811.2 2,513.6
Netherlands 1,601.2 1,747.8 1,451.4 1,441.4 1,157.4 1,428.6 1,262.3 1,103.7 765.5 580.1 551.5 392.8
The United States 58.2 468.8 492.1 736.5 959.8 1,159.3 1,120.9 1,195.4 1,130.3 1,650.8 1,809.8 1,984.6
Spain 287.9 659.2 924.2 1,011.2 1,127.0 1,377.5 1,170.9 1,086.1 1,143.6 994.8 636.7 655.1
Egypt 509.8 762.1 1,042.2 1,158.1 1,002.3 1,202.9 938.1 1,096.4 975.3 1,041.9 682.4 967.8
Bangladesh 761.7 800.3 1,050.2 1,143.1 934.1 1,239.6 1,409.7 1,359.7 1,034.9 1,327.4 1,330.1 1,368.8
Italy 672.9 1,042.8 1,369.1 1,204.3 1,012.3 1,128.5 899.8 753.4 944.7 622.9 595.8 401.4
Singapore 971.2 854.8 800.5 797.2 730.0 623.6 435.8 594.6 367.4 56.3 109.6 22.4
Others 6,204.4 6,800.2 7,778.8 8,497.5 6,921.0 7,884.7 9,464.4 10,335.5 9,875.7 10,655.1 9,372.1 9,474.1
Total 20,528.4 23,255.5 24,481.2 28,432.4 24,620.7 29,257.6 29,793.8 30,380.4 27,843.7 27,570.8 27,177.2 28,628.4
  FOB value : 000 000 US$
India 5,040.8 4,704.7 3,756.5 3,344.6 3,483.9 4,967.1 3,626.0 2,303.5 3,038.6 3,356.4 5,324.8 4,521.2
China 3,009.6 2,155.9 2,234.6 2,567.0 2,293.3 2,698.2 2,679.0 3,138.2 2,934.8 5,001.7 4,544.1 4,670.9
Pakistan 724.2 832.4 1,367.8 1,320.7 1,304.7 1,475.1 1,447.0 1,170.1 1,671.3 2,801.7 3,139.7 2,186.4
Netherlands 1,508.6 1,330.9 1,147.5 885.4 866.0 1,117.0 808.1 598.8 526.4 636.0 712.1 362.0
The United States 55.5 356.8 394.8 465.7 715.5 963.2 789.6 679.6 801.3 1,840.1 2,286.3 1,761.6
Spain 266.6 498.2 692.7 583.7 710.5 943.2 721.3 576.8 763.3 999.3 681.2 588.2
Egypt 480.2 584.9 782.4 690.8 659.2 846.1 579.6 582.6 662.5 1,128.7 825.3 832.8
Bangladesh 725.5 614.2 803.6 681.6 585.3 837.5 855.4 711.3 704.0 1,375.5 1,489.1 1,168.2
Italy 609.0 805.5 1,045.9 718.2 615.4 759.3 556.7 411.7 626.7 623.1 660.0 369.6
Singapore 924.2 658.8 614.6 449.3 462.7 418.7 256.0 287.5 240.5 65.1 152.1 22.1
Others 5,994.6 5,362.5 6,307.6 5,398.3 4,863.4 5,916.9 6,096.2 5,691.8 6,921.2 11,426.0 11,128.3 8,587.7
Total 19,338.6 17,904.8 19,148.1 17,105.3 16,559.8 20,942.4 18,414.9 16,151.9 18,890.5 29,253.6 30,942.9 25,070.8
Based on customs declaration documents from Directorate General of Customs and Excise (Exports and Imports Declaration)
There are changes to the commodity grouping, following the changes in the correspondence of HS codes to the latest KBLI.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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