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Product - Publication

Quarterly Gross Domestic Product of Indonesia 2020-2024

Quarterly Gross Domestic Product of Indonesia 2020-2024

Catalog Number : 9301003
Publication Number : 07100.24011
ISSN/ISBN : 1907-4557
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : October 9, 2024
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 6.45 MB


Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is one aspect of the national balance sheet which describes the market value of all goods and services produced in a region in a certain period. GDP uses to measure economic development in a country, knowing the structure a country’s economy, and is used as a basis for policy formulation government. The publication “Indonesia Quarterly Gross Domestic Product 2020–2024” presents data, information and phenomena about the GDP approach from industry side for period 2020 to quarter II/2024, which is based on the current price and Constant 2010. This publication is a continuation of the 2023 publication. Where The base year used is 2010 and refers to the Balance Sheet System National (SNA) 2008. In the compilation of GDP by industry, the classification used includes seventeen categories of industries, namely: Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery; Mining and Quarrying; Manufacturing; Electricity and Gas Supply; Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste Management, and Remediation Activities; Construction; Wholesale and Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycle; Transportation and Storage; Accommodation and Food Service Activities; Information and Communication; Financial and Insurance Activities; Real Estate; Business Activities; Public Administration and Defense, Compulsory Social Security; Education; Human Health and Social Work Activities; Other Services Activities.
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