Analysis of Maize and Soybean in Indonesia, 2022 (The Result of Crop-Cutting Survey) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Analysis of Maize and Soybean in Indonesia, 2022 (The Result of Crop-Cutting Survey)

Catalog Number : 5203029
Publication Number : 05100.2316
Release Date : December 14, 2023
File Size : 15.38 MB


The result of Crop-Cutting Survey shows that around 72.09 percent of maize households cultivated their maize crops in non–paddy fields. Meanwhile, around 46.37 percent of soybean households cultivated their crops in non–paddy fields. The percentage of maize and soybean households utilizing monoculture planting technique were 83.10 percent and 76.30 percent, respectively. The yield per hectare of maize amounted to 57.08 qu/ha, while the yield per hectare of soybean was 15.43 qu/ha. Based on the yield per hectare level, Java Island tends to have a higher average yield per hectare than outside Java Island.
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