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Results of the Potential Fisheries Commodity Survey 2021 Household Profile of Seaweed Cultivation

Results of the Potential Fisheries Commodity Survey 2021 Household Profile of Seaweed Cultivation

Catalog Number : 5403006
Publication Number : 05200.2120
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-457-9
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : December 16, 2021
Revision Date : December 23, 2021
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 10.17 MB


ABSTRACT The Potential Fishery Commodity Survey 2021 (SKPP-RL21) is fisheries statistical data collection activities which is carried out to produce the seaweed data in Indonesia. The legal basis of SKPP-RL21 is Presidential Regulation No. 33 of 2019 that explains about National Seaweed Industry Development Roadmap in 2018-2021. SKPP-RL21 data collection is started with listing the census block, then followed by enumeration of households using the Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) application. According to the results of SKPP-RL21, in 2020, there were 4,297 business households that were cultivating seaweed in ponds, which its 73.32% or 3,151 households were located in South Sulawesi Province. The majority of business household members who cultivate seaweed in ponds, tend to: use refilled water as the main source of drinking/cooking water, use tap water as the main water source for washing, and use PLN electricity with a meter as the main source of lighting. On the other hand, there are 63,260 business households that were cultivating seaweed in the sea and spreading across 23 provinces in Indonesia, which its 39.67% or 25,098 households are located in South Sulawesi Province. In general, South Sulawesi Province is a province with the largest seaweed cultivation potential in Indonesia.
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