Crime Statistics 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Crime Statistics 2021

Catalog Number : 4401002
Publication Number : 04300.2111
ISSN/ISBN : 2089-5291
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 15, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 11.97 MB


The 2021 Criminal Statistics Publication provides a macro-overview of the current security situation and condition, also its developments over the past few years. The availability of this data is beneficial as a basis for sectoral development planning in security and law fields to improve public welfare.The information presented includes three main approaches, namely the perpetrator’s approach (Police Registration Data), the victims’ approach (National Socio-Economic Survey/Susenas), and the regional approach (Village Potential Data/Podes). Police Registration Data records that during 2018-2020, the number of crimes or criminal acts in Indonesia tended to decrease. The number of crime incidents (total crime) in 2018 was 294,281 incidents. This number decreased to 269,324 incidents in 2019 and 247,218 incidents in 2020.The crime rate indicator during 2018–2020 also slightly declined. It was 113 in 2018, 103 in 2019, and kept decreasing to 94 in 2020. The time interval between the occurrence of a crime (crime clock) was 00.01'47'' (1 minute 47 seconds) in 2018, 00.01'57'' (1 minute 57 seconds) in 2019, and became longer to 00.02'07'' (2 minutes 07 seconds) in 2020. The longer time interval shows the lower intensity of the crime.The survey data describing the percentage of the population who became victims of crime during the 2019–2020 period also showed the same declining pattern as the registration data. The percentage of crime victims had dropped from 1.01 percent in 2019 to 0.78 percent in 2020. Meanwhile, the annual police report rate was still relatively low. In 2019-2020, the percentage of crime victims who reported the incident to the police was less than 25 percent. It was 23.46 percent in 2020, showing a slight increase compared to 2019 (22.19 percent). In addition to data on crime incidents from an individual approach, crime incidents can also be seen based on the regional scope (village-based). Based on the Village Potential data, during the 2011-2018 period, theft was the most common crime in villages/kelurahan in Indonesia, reaching more than 36-45 percent of all villages/kelurahan.
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